Thursday, October 21, 2010

Social Network

Social Network

Pros: a bridge to people  I can rarely see oftten, a tool to know what's going on with friends

Cons: too private

I use 2 kinds of social network myself; facebook and mixi (a japanese version of facebook)
Both of them are fun, don't give me wrong. They make it possible for me to be able to keep in touch with friends. Also I gather some info about raising a kid from other mothers. They are rather a window for me to know the outside of "my family."

But sometimes it feels like I cannot be open about my life, especialy emotional part. The reasons are simple. A: I don't want others to know some details. B: I'm afraid if my friends think of me as a pathetic woman. Maybe it's because there are some insecure part of me deep inside...

This morning, I had to take my husband to work so I could have the car to bring myself to see OB. At the garage, the car was parked too close to the passenger side. Getting my son to his child seat in that small space was so ahrd for a pregnant woman. I mentioned it to my husband who parked the car last time. Then, he bursted into an extremely angry mode. He raised his voice and said, "I hate it the most about you, you complain about what I do too much. I can put the baby to the car seat no problem in that space!"
Maybe it was wrong of me to say, "Hey, you don't know how to park!" But still. Did I really really really deserve to be yelled like that? Make it worse, this is the day before my birthday.
Since I don't like to have fight in front of him, I stayed quiet. Still keeping quiet right now at this momrnt. (it's almost 11pm!)

Carrying a 20lb baby up and down the stairs is already not an easy work. Putting him into his car seat in such a small space given is a nightamre with a bumpy belly in front. But he doesn't understand that. Such a guy....he should get pregnant to know how hard it is to do even a simplest thing in life.

In about one hour, I'm turning 24. Such a disappointing way to have it though....It's still a cold war between him and me as of right now....

Yet! Tomorrow, in the morning, I am going to get some used clothes for my son! :) I love getting him some "new" clothes. :)  Also lunch, some of my friends are coming over. :) It took me nearly 3 hours to cook a hot pod. It"d better taste good tomorrow. :)

Good night. And...
Good bye 23 years old of me!

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